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Future Blog Post

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Blog Post number 4

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 3

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 2

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 1

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.






Impact of the crisis and the 2020-2021 budget measures on firms (with Laurent Bach, Arthur Guillouzouic & Clément Malgouyres)


Using high-frequency VAT data, we find that the corporate sales impact of the Covid-19 shock in the spring of 2020 was very heterogeneous both between and within sectors. Emergency subsidies (loan guarantees, short-time work) do target firms with the biggest sales drops, albeit not perfectly. Corporate tax cuts, on the other hand, do not provide significantly more help to firms more affected by the pandemic. More info here

Will French companies be able to repay their state-backed loans (PGEs)? (with Laurent Bach, Arthur Guillouzouic and Clément Malgouyres)


Using new registry data for firms ending their fiscal year in mid-2020, we document the take-up by French firms of the Prêts garantis par l’État (PGE, the French iteration of the pandemic loans). The PGEs were very popular with French companies in 2020, including among the largest companies. The analysis of corporate balance sheets indicates, as one would expect, that the gross debt of the beneficiaries has risen sharply. However, this was not actually accompanied by an increase in net debt to alarming levels because some recipients received other grants, and others were only using the PGE scheme as a precautionary measure. More info here

Micro-econometric evaluation of the THD Plan (Fast-Speed Internet) (with Paul Dutronc-Postel, Arthur Guillouzouic, Clément Malgouyres)


This analysis is based on micro-econometric tools that aim to estimate the causal effect of the installation of HSBB in a zone defined at a fine level (alternatively the commune and the cadastral parcel), by comparing it with other similar zones not benefiting from HSBB at that time. In particular, by comparing these two types of area before and after the arrival of THD, we can quantify the effect of this event.More info here

Micro-econometric evaluation of the THD Plan (Fast-Speed Internet) (with Paul Dutronc-Postel, Arthur Guillouzouic, Clément Malgouyres)


This analysis is based on micro-econometric tools that aim to estimate the causal effect of the installation of HSBB in a zone defined at a fine level (alternatively the commune and the cadastral parcel), by comparing it with other similar zones not benefiting from HSBB at that time. In particular, by comparing these two types of area before and after the arrival of THD, we can quantify the effect of this event.More info here


Public Economics - Intermediate

Graduate Course, Sciences Po Paris, School of Public Affairs, 2018

Instructor for Pr. Emeric Henry. In charge of two classes of first year graduates, correction of problem sets, essays and exams

Labor Markets

Graduate Course, Sciences Po Paris, Graduate Division, 2019

Grading instructor for Pr. Pierre Cahuc in his core curriculum graduate course about labor markets. Grading of midterms and final exams

Political Economy of Development

Graduate Course, Sciences Po Paris, Core Curriculum, 2020

Teaching Assistant for Pr. Sergei Guriev. Class of 200 first-year graduates, in charge of correction of essays and exams.

Public Economics - Intermediate

Graduate Course, Sciences Po Paris, School of Public Affairs, 2020

Instructor for Pr. Emeric Henry. In charge of two classes of first year graduates, correction of problem sets, essays and exams

Introduction to Statistics

Undergraduate Course, Sciences Po Paris, 2023

Instructor for first-year undergraduates (two classes) in introductory statistics.

Economics and Sociology

Graduate Course, Common Core Curriculum, Sciences Po Paris, 2023

Teaching Assistant for Pr. Roberto Galbiati and Pr. Mirna Safi for first-year graduates in economics and sociology perspectives class. Correction of group projects and exams